SMSC, Extra Curricular and Visitors

Key values

Our school has three key values which allow all pupils to understand their key role in ensuring success for everybody.

These are:

  • Respect
  • Safety
  • Learning

Our whole community are expected to understand what they can expect and what they are responsible for in order to ensure that everyone is respected, safe and able to learn. This is done in lessons, assemblies and in our conversations with pupils and their families around school.

Our Curriculum has a role in supporting our pupils as they develop holistically. Our school culture is one which recognises the whole child, as part of a family and we have a key role in preparing our pupils for their future, not just academically but in other ways too.

Spiritual learning– this is done in a variety of ways, through lessons such as RE and English, in assembly but also in appreciation of the arts and the natural world. Most of our assemblies contain a prayer, which pupils can respond to by saying Amen. (See RE and collective worship policy)

Moral learning– we endeavour to teach children about right and wrong through our school rules and in the way we work with our students.

Cultural learning– Pupils in our school are taught about the British Values of tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law, personal responsibility and liberty and democracy in a wide variety of ways . A key area which we know we need to pay extra attention is the area of tolerance for beliefs and cultures. Our geographical area is predominately white and Christian. Our pupils are rarely exposed to people from alternative backgrounds, faiths, creeds and cultures in their everyday life. We believe that tolerance can only come from understanding and as such we try to teach pupils about the wide variety of cultures within our country and around the world, as we can. Assembly, PSHE and RE lessons are central to this, as are opportunities to visit a multi-cultural city first-hand.

Visitors to school

There are regular visitors to school who assist with the delivery of our curriculum, these include local religious leaders, community readers, the Niscu theatre group, STEM science personnel and sporting coaches. Parents are also welcome to various events through the school year to help them understand our curriculum and to help them support at home.

We also have adhoc visitors to school who we use to support learning when required.

Trips, visits and off-site learning

Where funds and opportunity allow we are keen to take the opportunities presented by off-site learning. Through-out the year pupils engage in a range of trips and visits linked to the curriculum and we know that our pupils enjoy these and find them memorable.

Recent trips have included local walks around the village, science workshops, dance festivals and theatre trips.

Every year we take the whole school on a number of trips including a pantomime visit and summer term trip. Moreover the older pupils are offered a residential visit on an annual basis.

We believe that our pupils should all access their local environment as much as possible and in particular to get the opportunity to learn about their local history and the Lake District National Park. As such we explicitly state that all pupils should visit the Lake District at least once every year.


Our after-school club offer allows a supplement to the curriculum and can allow pupils to further develop their skills and interests.